Posted on 10/24/2022

Sarek Autowerke of Richmond, VA. was a proud sponsor of the Rover Owners Association of Virginia Mid-Atlantic Rally which was just held in Buckingham County, Virginia. The rally took place at the Little George Rod and Gun Club in Aronia, VA. The original Land Rover Owners Club was founded in 1954 by The Rover Company in the United Kingdom. This led to the publishing of the Land Rover Owners Club review magazine until 1968 when it became the ROA or Rover Owners Association. The ROA of Virginia is the oldest Land Rover club in North America. Surprisingly, it was founded right here in Richmond Virginia in 1975. The ROAV has annual dues of only $20. It holds driving and social events throughout the year. The Land Rover Mid-Atlantic October 2022 Rally was sold out in just three days. No Boring Downtime At This Rally The successful event was limited to the first 160 registered vehicles. The team of event organizers strived to make the event at The Little Geo ... read more